Take Action, Create the Change!

Building Leadership and Advocacy skills to foster youth participation and civic engagement

“Take Action, Create the Change!” is the name of a KA2 project from our partner International Foundation for Y-PEER Development, started in December 2021 and ending in December 2023. In accordance with the core values and principles of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, this project aims to promote youth participation and civic engagement, encourage active citizenship, and foster inclusion of disadvantaged groups. These goals are set to be achieved through a set of activities and project results. 

A training toolkit on Leadership and Advocacy will be developed by Y-PEER and CONEXX-EU, offering a theoretical input and a list of activities focusing on civic engagement, inclusion, active participation and more. Then, we will take the lead in the development of a guidance for youth associations and workers: all partners will provide inputs through research, interviews, content development and peer review, all with a focus on ethical and meaningful engagement. Concurrently, two different LTTAs (Learning, Training, Teaching Activities) will take place, hosted by Y-PEER in Bulgaria and by FuturEurope in Turkey, where the training toolkit will be put to test within two groups of youth workers and activists from the participating countries. Finally, each partner organisation will be responsible for organising in October 2022 a multiplier event targeting 30 young people in order to raise awareness about issues related to inclusion and diversity. This will be complemented by an online webinar taking place in July 2023 and involving participants from the previous activities, during which these people will have the chance to share their experiences and look together at the guidance. The cycle will end in October 2023 with a final conference with stakeholders in Brussels.

An intrinsic characteristic of this project is certainly the high number of partners and countries involved, including of course migration_miteinander from Germany, the aforementioned Y-PEER from Bulgaria, CONEXX from Belgium and FuturEurope from Turkey, to which should be added Youth Human Impact from Poland, Youth on Board from North Macedonia and Support Group Network from Sweden.



Lara Villieras-Guepey

Project coordinator

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