
The project SocInc (social inclusion) will run from the 1st of August 2019 until the 31st of July 2020 was designed with partners from Italy, Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria and is divided into 3 mobilities (one in Germany, one in Italy and one in Bulgaria). The first mobility will take place in Witten in November 2019.

Participants will be youth workers, intercultural mediators and educators, social workers and refugee community leaders, all working particularly with vulnerable young refugees. As usual, we will make sure to have participants with a diversity of backgrounds, including participants who have experienced migration or flight.

SocInc aims at training youth workers on non-formal education methods as a tool to improve social inclusion for young refugees (possibly) on the move and young refugees with social and mental difficulties.
With this project, our association wants to once again raise awareness on the situation of refugees in Europe and the need for policy changes, but also help youth workers develop their knowledge and skills in order to efficiently support vulnerable young refugees. By the end of the project, a SocInc toolkit will be published and made accessible for youth workers across Europe.

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