Short Stories – Big Changes
This is an Erasmus + KA2 project, from our partner Umdongsfronten, which aims to support the social inclusion, integration and empowerment of young people with a Refugee or Migrants background in the participating countries and beyond. Herewithin, we will support as a partner in creating a living library, sharing positive stories of integration and development of refugees in the 4 different European countries; Sweden, Germany, Bulgaria with our partner Y-Peer, and Italy, represented by CET Platform Italia. Further guidelines for youth workers and a series of Videos, A Story Makes a Difference, will be widely disseminated in the partner countries using online and traditional methods such as social media and contacting other stakeholders.
This project from our Swedish partners, Ungdomsfronten, will take place over the upcoming months and offer a training course for youth workers in January as well as events in Germany and Italy, showcasing our work. We will be looking for 5 participants to help carry out this project. More information can be found on the website of our partner.
Here you can find the results of Short Stories Big Change
The present Guidelines are the result of the common work developed by the partner organizations of the
project “Short Stories – Big Changes”, realized under the Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships in the
field of Youth, within the Erasmus+ Programme.

Prathisha Hoffmann

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