Young Voices
Young Voices is a project realized in collaboration with the Associazione Interculturale Universo, Bandiera Gialla, Associazione Dry Art, Associazione Dry-Art, AISEC, flashgiovani and Associazione mosaico di solidarietà.
A first cycle was implemented from January to July 2018 with a group of 15 young people between 16 and 21 years coming from 6 different countries.
The objective of Young Voices is to bring together young people from different cultural and social contexts as well as to train them on gender issues and in the use of different media instruments such as video and radio.
In the different workshops, the participants confront themselves with how gender issues in Italy and in their countries of origin are tackled and got sensitized for the topic.
They learn to express their opinion and to document it in written articles, videos and podcasts.
Among others, migration_miteinander was responsible for the workshop “Let’s speak English” in which we supported the participants through different interactive activities to express themselves in a foreign language. Furthermore, we promoted the dissemination of a questionnaire on gender issues and gender violence to the citizens of Bologna to increase awareness for the importance of the topic.
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