Our moveurope! local groups
moveurope! We want to be a European network promoting refugees mobility rights in Europe through local action
Increasing young people’s access to mobility programs is one of the most important objectives of Erasmus+ and leads to so far roundabout 9 million people in Europe going abroad to other European countries both for short-term stays and longer periods.
Getting to know Europe, exploring its variety and exchanging ideas and visions with other young people from all over Europe lays the foundation for an actively lived citizenship and thus remarkably contributes to Europe’s future as a united and solidarity-based entity.
In many cases, the access to these important opportunities remains limited for young third country nationals living in Europe and above all for young refugees in Europe that both in terms of the legal framework and their orientation in the European Space, face particular obstacles. They often feel disconnected from Europe and in their daily life rather live the negative aspects that Europe has on them, for example when it comes to freedom of movement.
Together with 20 moveurope! local groups with more than 120 young people living in 5 different countries all around Europe (Germany, Italy, Greece, France, Belgium), we will be a European network that promotes mobility rights and opportunities for young refugees through local action with the aim to effectively increase young refugees’ access to the existing mobility programs (both national and European ones) and inform them about alternative legal migration ways within Europe.
Our cooperation will enable more and more refugees and organisations all over Europe to get information about mobility rights and possibilities.
Looking for information or on how to get involved?
To learn more about these groups and the cities where you can find them, you can check out our interactive map where you can find information on their local action and ways to contact all the local groups.
Do you have questions? Contact us moveurope@migrationmiteinander.de
Take a look at our interviews with the local groups:
Create your youth network!
Sharing learnings and materials based on the experience with moveurope! local groups network.
Training of moveurope! local groups and young people that want to get active in their local context!
For the moveurope! Local groups and young people that would like to get active in their own local context and build up a moveurope! local group, we will organize two trainings (kick-off and follow-up), taking place in Witten, Germany in autumn 2020 and in Bologna, Italy in July 2021. The aim is to prepare young people for their local action, this includes project management, introduction to the legal framework, cultural mediation, networking – and of course, getting to know each other! We organize this training together with three European partners: Associazione Interculturale Universo (Italy), Pistes Solidaires (France) and U.S.B. (Greece).
Are you interested to find out more about the trainings and/or would like to apply?
Contact us: moveurope@migrationmiteinander.de
More information can be found on the Project publication platform of Erasmus+
*Due to covid-19, the first training is postponed to Spring 2021
If you are interested in volunteering with us
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