
A project to create material for youth workers to become mobility mentors for young people with refugee backgrounds in Europe

In the framework of our programme moveurope!, our project MentorMe aims to increase young refugees’ access to existing voluntary services programmes in Europe (both national and European ones) by informing them on and concretely supporting them to participate in such opportunities.

MentorMe is a 28 months project funded by Erasmus+ that gathers 7 partner organizations from Germany, Italy, Sweden, Bulgaria, Spain, France and Greece to create and work on materials that will be useful to youth workers who want to support young people with refugee backgrounds in Europe with transnational voluntary service opportunities.

During the project, we will:

  • Create mobility KITs, which are practical documents for the youth workers to support them with accompanying young people with refugee background in undertaking voluntary services during the preparatory, implementation and follow-up phases.
  • Create a training concept to train youth workers in the use of the mobility KITs and in their mission to concretely support young people with refugee background in their country in undertaking voluntary services. By participating in the training activities, the youth workers will become mobility mentors.
  • Create a mobility platform for young people, youth workers and stakeholders in the refugee/migration and mobility field for them to exchange and find useful information.
  • Implement 2 training activities in Italy and France to concretely use the training concept to train youth workers from the 7 partner countries to become mobility mentors.
  • Implement one test session per partner country with participants of the first training activity, to test with young people with refugee background the use of the mobility KITs.
  • Organize one multiplier event per country to disseminate the approach and the material created to various stakeholders.

MentorMe started in March 2022 and will end in June 2024.

To receive the updates about our Mentor Me project, you can subscribe to the moveurope! Newsletter and mailing list.



Lara Villieras-Guepey

Project coordinator

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