Become a mobility mentor for young refugees in Europe
In the framework of our programme moveurope!, our project mobility4U(s) aims to increase young refugees’ access to existing youth mobility programmes in Europe (both national and European ones) by informing them on and concretely supporting them to participate in such opportunities.
mobility4U(s) offers a 8 month training cycle for 28 youth workers from Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, France and Belgium where they will be trained to become mobility mentors for young refugees in their local context and concretely support them in their mobility process. Additionally, they will meet and exchange with peers from other cities or countries, and become part of our European network.
Our mobility mentor training cycle:
- starts in Bonn, Germany, 22-27 November with an in person training of 4 days: introduction to the programme and get to know all participants
- December 2021 to March 2022: online workshops and seminars
- Optional: 3-days job shadowing in Greece or Italy to follow other participant’s work or our partner organisation’s work there (Italy: Associazione Interculturale Universo; Greece: U.S.B.)
- ends in June 2022 with a follow-up training in Grenoble, France, organized by Humacoop-Amel France.
The name mobility4U(s) was chosen by purpose:
- U (YOU) stands for the mobility for youth workers in the training programme, who have the opportunity to move, learn from and exchange with other professionals from and in different EU countries.
- The overall aim of mobility4U(s) is to promote access to youth mobility, in particular voluntary services, for young people with refugee backgrounds in Europe, that’s why we chose to make “US” out of YOU, as both youth workers and young refugees will benefit from this project.
mobility4U(s) started in July 2021 and will end in March 2023.
*Unfortunately, registration for the 2022 training programme is no longer possible. However, there will be a new training offer in autumn 2022. Stay tuned! You can also subscribe to our moveurope! newsletter to receive more information:
Contact: Karla Kästner (Project Coordinator) and Lara Villieras Guepey (Project Assistant)
This project is part of the Fachkräfteinitiative.International and is supported by IJAB, Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.. The project is funded by the BMFSFJ, Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.
Our European partners for mobility4U(s):
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